☄️ Warlord Colossus • Miami Artists 2018

Name: Adrian aka Warlord Colossus
Age: 23 year old wizard
Hometown: No hometown- he's lived in Hawaii, Alaska,
Arizona, Kentucky, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, & Florida
Profession: rapper & producer

Vanessa Duncan: When did you first realize you were interested in pursuing music?
Warlord Colossus: I first realized I was interested in music when I was around my brother and his friends used to rap battle on the mic and I wanted to be around it so bad.
VD: How did you get your name? WC: I got my name after my old manager at Panera Bread told me I should leave and rap after he heard me freestyle , said I needed a name and I looked into something from Greek mythology and came up with colossus because it’s powerful.

VD: What helps you stay motivated to write and release new music? WC: Just trying to make something better than my last project always I always set the bar so high and I want to Make something better , and also the tons of fan messages constantly make the stress worth it
VD: What artists have had the biggest impact on your sound? WC: Definitely $uicideboy$ , Flatbush Zombies, people like DMX also had a big influence on voice changing, rasp, engineering etc.

VD: What would you want to share with your fans? WC: Just that once I put myself in the best possible environment and get all my equipment right I will produce music faster and faster but quality is always first so I appreciate you all staying with me.
VD: When will we hear some new music? WC: I'd say definitely by Halloween VD: What is Nephilim Records and what kind of artists do you ideally want to represent?
WC: Gotta be friends in my label only from now on, but always artists who bring that live energy who can move that crowd like I can

VD: What advice, if any, would you give yourself if you could go back in time? WC: I'd definitely tell myself don’t be afraid to rap in front of people like I used to, focus on my engineering and sound and marketing image early on to get that edge, and any sign of a persons negativity early on means chop them, your greater success comes first.

For more on Adrian, check out his Instagram @warlordcolossus & Record Label account @nephilimrecords -
and to hear his music follow him on his SoundCloud account.